Attention, attention! Massive Bacillus Fluctibus spotted on Times Square in New York City the other day! 😃
Short stories // by Falk v. Schönfels
Some (German) short stories I’ve written 2018 and 2019 mostly when I was sitting in a plane on my way to somewhere and one is from 1990 written for school when I was 13 years old. 😜 Have fun reading them!
Follow the links here please: [Klappenfetisch] | [Schneckologie-Report] | [Das Basalt-Theorem] | [Der fliegende Mottenteppich]
Circle Foundation // Red Dot Art Fair Miami

As an artist you always want to send your art out to the world to be seen: So while working on a new portfolio I took the change to join a video presentation by Circle Foundation for the Arts at the Red Dot Art Fair in Miami with my favorite 2022 painting »The garden of consumable delights«, 130 x 200 cm, 2022, collage and acrylic on canvas. Thanks
Art Fair East // Norwich (UK)

Thanks to Ad Lib Gallery I had the chance to show four works at Art Fair East the spectacular setting of The Assembly House, Theatre Street in Norwich. Sadly I couldn’t attemp there myself but the gallery represented me in a nice way. //
Art Below London // Regent’s Park

🤩 Nice: Art Below and Ad Lib Gallery once again gave opportunity to show an illustration in the London Underground this time at Regent’s Park. Thanks so much guys, it’s always fun doing these things with you! Art Below // Ad Lib Gallery
»Breaking Bread – All at One Table«

Ray Moore invited me to take part in this group show from the 15th September till 7th of Oktober 2023 with the title »Breaking Bread – All at One Table – Group exhibition with Ray Moore and friends« at this temporary off-space called Hii Lab Gallery right in the heart of Munich old town. Thanks so much for that Ray! This was definitely a highlight of 2023. I had the possibility to show 13 framed fine art drawings in a creative spaceinvador style hanging and meeting a lot of nice people I haven’t seen for years. It was nice seeing all of you! Thanks for coming along. Apart from that there was a great cultural program with lots of music, performances and artist talks. It was absolutely cool participating in this exhibition with so man fantastic artists: Bernhard Springer, Colletta Ehrmann, Daniel Man, Ena Oppenheimer, Falk von Schönfels, Marcus Joos, Marius Menrel, Milan Mihajlovic, Nena Cermak, Ray Moore, and Verena Mayer. Thanks for the musik: Ray Moore, The Jackson Twinz, BEAT LEAGUE, Express Brass Band, PerQuist, Bushbayer, CAT MUSIC Trio. Additional Thanks to Timo Lochner for making this happen!
Ad Lib Gallery // Wimbledon Village

From the 6th till 23rd of April 2023 I was invited by Ad Lib Gallery and Art Below to show four fine art prints of my recently favorite drawings in Wimbledon Village. So I flew over for a night only due to stress reasons. Thank you for the lovely private view Dylan, Mark and Ben!
Art Below, London Ad Lib Gallery, Wimbledon
Art Below // London Pimlico 2023

Thanks to Art Below and Ad Lib Gallery I had another one of my paintings on a massive billboard at Pimlico Station in London from the 27th of March until the 10th of April 2023. Pimlico Station is where you arrive by underground when you want to visit the Tate Britain.
Title: »The philosophically ethical struggle between the individual freedom and the right to physical integrity of vulnerable groups in times of crisis and how the society is trying to cope with the situation« by Falk v. Schönfels (130 x 200 cm), acrylic over collage on canvas.
Thanks to Art Below and Ad Lib Gallery for the opportunity to show my work to a wider audiance!
applaudissement // 25/2022
Bernhard Rusch gave me a triple page feature in the current issue of his absolutely cool poetry magazine »applaudissement«! Thanks so much for that! The published short story is definitely one of the weirdest I have ever written. You can read it here: [Klappenfetisch] Sorry it’s only available in German. It’s absolutely untranslatable.
Art Below // Regent’s Park 2022

Flexival // Riviera Records

On the 23rd of September 2022 I had the possibility showing some fine art prints and a new painting at Riviera Records in Munich while fine DJs were rocking the house. In the basement we had funky black light which quite correlated well with my black and white drawings as well as with the painting on the other wall. Thanks Riviera Records, Jonas and Remi for inviting me! >>
»Là ci darem la mano« // F.A.Z. Selection

I’m very happy to have this fine art print on Hahnemühle deckle edge paper as special edition in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Selection Shop. »Là ci darem la mano« Limited to 30 pieces, autographed and numbered. By request with a handmade walnut frame and museum glass.
Oversized & Underpriced VI
It was a pleasure participating at this sticker museum charity show »Oversized & Underpriced VI«. The task was to alter the classical Chiquita logo (from 1944 by Dik Browne who also invented Hägar the Horrible) with the own artwork. The proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. Thanks a lot to Oliver Baudach (Hatch – World’s 1st Sticker Museum) for putting this nice thing up and thanks to all other participating artists!
You can purchase a few of the artworks but a lot are already sold:
»Der Ältere & der Jüngere« // Catalogue
This is the catalogue to the exhibition »Der Ältere & der Jüngere – works from the years 1963 to 2021 by Hans-Kaspar and Falk v. Schönfels« which took place at the German Hop Museum Wolnzach in April 2022. I’m very happy that my dad an me could make this show together, thanks so much to Prof. h.c. Eduard Kastner! (Note: Black frames are my dads works and wooden frames and canvases are mine)
Der Ältere & der Jüngere
First exhibition within two years. It was so tremendously nice seeing all of you there! Thank you for coming along! Incredible thanks to Prof. Eduard Kastner and Deutsches Hopfenmuseum for making it happen!
Fluctibus // Trademark

Good News: I’m officially a trademark now, I mean my logo and the name … 😉
Spotlight Magazine // Issue 25

Two of my artworks are featured in the 25th issue of the Spotlight Magazine (Pages 164/165; August 2021) published by the Circle Foundation for the Arts. Many thanks for that! >>
»Die Frage nach der Wahrheit im Zeitalter der primär gefühlsbasierten Wahrnehmung«
Here is a 3D-walkthrough from my latest exhibition at the Kunstgaleriebar in Munich! Thanks so much to Jelena Dordevic and Robert Clara for supporting and having me. The show was running from the 5th of December 2019 till 23rd of January 2020. |
Massive thanks to the Performance Artists Nikolai Vogel ( and Andreas Ohrenschall (! And I also want to thank the DJs: Dominik Brunnmeier (, Ray Moore ( and Nikolai Vogel once again! Special thanks to Daniel Schvarcz for the VR |
13. Krumbacher Kunstnacht

End of November I’ve been invited to exhibit at the historical city hall in Krumbach for the 13th Krumbacher art night. In 15 stations people were invited to wonder about the city and discover plenty of artworks from many nice artists like Sigurd Rakel. Thanks so much to the family Glogger, the city of Krumbach for having me and to Sigurd Rakel for his kind words about my art! It was a pleasure showing my work there and meeting so many nice people! Thank you all ♡ The show had the title: #WWFTGN – »While waiting for the good news«.
Author and artist Nikolai Vogel wrote this about the selection of works I was presenting: »Er hat in den letzten Jahren mit seinen Zeichnungen und Malereien einen unverwechselbaren Kosmos geschaffen, der die uns umgebende, geschwätzig überspannte Welt liebenswert aufs Korn nimmt und aus sich herausführt – in Hirnwindungen, die wieder Schwung in unsere Buden bringen. Und das gelingt dem Münchner Künstler Falk von Schönfels vom Klein- bis ins Großformat. Das Kleinste ist dabei oft seine gezeichnete, vielleicht schon ikonische Bazille, die er gutgelaunt auch im Logo seiner „Fluctibus Productions“ genannten Kunstpräsentation führt. Gleich vier Augen scheint sie zu haben – und so viele wünscht man sich vielleicht auch beim Betrachten seiner Bilder. In diesen wimmelt es, ohne dass er klassische Wimmelbilder kreiert. Da gibt es viele Augen, Körper tasten sich aus ihrer Form und entwickeln ungeahnte Längen und Ausbuchtungen. Aber mit klarem, sicheren Strich! Und schließlich sind da noch die Worte, denn nicht selten formt sich das hinein in eine Sprache, die die große Verwunderung ausdrückt, gegenüber diesem grenzenlosen, merkwürdigen, sich entfaltenden Sein und all seiner gegensätzlichen Emotionen und Körperlichkeiten. Die Titel seiner Arbeiten bestehen dabei ebenfalls aus überraschendsten Wendungen, die auch Windungen heißen könnten: „Hundert arme Würmer sind eine Schlangengrube“ hat er etwa ein Werk benannt, das jetzt zur Krumbacher Kunst- und Kulturnacht im Alten Rathaus zu sehen ist. „Die Monokausalität besonders inkonsequent durchdachter Bestrebungen“ heißt ein weiteres – und wie die Bilder, so lassen auch die Titel unsere Augen hin und her springen, im lustvollen Versuch das Dargestellte zu erfassen. Gute Laune macht das und reicht damit ganz schön tief! Und das Wow!-Signal? Da müssen Sie selbst nachsehen!« Nikolai Vogel, 2019. Thank you so much for that!
>> An article in the local newspaper »Augsburger Allgemein«
>> The program of the night and the stations of art
Triple Perspective // Orangerie München

Nearly end of August – 20th till 24th of August to be exact – Carmen Kordas, Andreas Ohrenschall and myself were invited by Rudolf Maximilian Becker, curator and owner of the gallery WELTRAUM in Munich, to throw this exhibition at the beautiful Orangery at the English Garden in Munich. At this very special location we were happy to present eighteen works (graet paintings and drawings) of Andreas Ohrenschall and the magnificent video installation of Carmen Kordas »We are spinning our own faith«. Apart from that I had the pleasure showing nineteen pieces of my work in the fields of drawing, collage and painting. Even if it was raining cats and dogs still a lot of people made it to the verni- and the finissage. Thanks to everyone who made it and to everyone who was involved in this happening. ♡ | |
Artist talk at Old Brompton Gallery
Art Below Artist talk at Old Brompton Gallery, London Chelsea, May the 9th 2019 // Thanks for the opportunity to speak about my art Ben Moore (@benmoore_curator & @artbelow). Thanks to all the guests who came along and thanks for your questions! // Special thanks to Samantha Louise Emery (@samanthaikona) for filming, to Nicolai Kressin (@triggerfilm2018) for video production and Adrian Schober for animations (@adriandevelop)
Art Below // Old Brompton Gallery
7th to 11th May 2019 // Art Below Chelsea at Old Brompton Gallery, Kensington, London. It was boombastic being back with Art Below – this time in Chelsea – at the Old Brompton Gallery. It was a perfect vernissage with a lot of nice meets and good talks. Thanks to curator Ben Moore for making that thing stable. It was so cool seeing good faces from the last time and so many new ones. Special thanks to Ben Moore, Emma Johansen, Tim Gatenby, Gia Strauss, Ru Knox, Sophie Milner and Samantha Louise Emery for hanging out (and for the photos).
Check out the instagram-profiles of the other artists: @artbelow @oldbromptongallery @mrianbruce @cosfranz @samanthaikona @timgatenby @jules_grandsire @em_joh @_katyakan_ @annakenneallystudio @ruknox @petermammes @annabelmoellerphotography @giastrauss @iris_sun_art @sophiemilner |
Hyde Park Corner // Second Strike

With »Art Below« I droped another big advertisement in the London Underground at Hyde Park Corner again. // It was on display for two weeks from the 7th till the 21th of May 2019. Thanks so much to Curator Ben Moore and Art Below for making this happen!

22rd to 24th February 2019 // »NONECONTEMPORARY«
In February Ray Moore and me threw this exhibition at Gallery WELTRAUM in Munich. Thanks a lot to everyone who was there and to curator Rudolf Maximilian Becker for having us!
»Kunst hat die Kraft Grenzen zu sprengen – auch die Grenzen der Zeit. Deshalb ist Kunst im besten Fall weder zeitgenössisch noch epochentypisch, sondern epochenübergreifend und allgegenwärtig. In der Ausstellung »NONECONTEMPORARY« setzen sich Ray Moore alias The Poet that Paints (Mississippi/München und Falk v. Schönfels alias fluctibus mit der Zeitlosigkeit von Kunst auseinander. Ausgangspunkt ist ihr Interesse für Figuren, Charaktere, Wörter und Poesie – der Weg, den sie beschreiten, ist die Transplantation von alten Elementen in neue Umgebungen. In einem »serious play« (Ray Moore) verbinden sie mit Humor und Ironie alte, bereits bekannte Inhalte und Aktuelles zu einem Narrativ, das nicht zeitgenössisch, sondern epochenübergreifend ist.« //
Art Below // Herrick Gallery
14th to 19th January 2019 // Art Below Groupexhibition at Herrick Gallery in London. Thanks tremendously to all the artist I met for the good times and to Ben Moore for having me in this very special show! //
Art Below // Hyde Park Corner

14th till 28th January 2019 // With Art Below I was lucky to run this masssive advertisement at the tube station Hyde Park Corner for two weeks. Thanks so much to Ben Moore for having me in that thing! //
Foto: Fayola Douglas
»EAT POETRY« @Alt Giesing
2nd Dezember 2018 // Luckily the guys from »EAT POETRY – food & art a la carte« asked me to show some artworks at this amazing New York-style Bar »Alt Giesing« in Munich for their poetry/food/art-event. The lighting conditions were a bit challenging but it was nice rocking such a beautiful place for a while. Organizers and guests seemed to have liked it, so my pictures stayed there till the 6th of February 2019. Lots of thanks to Basty from »EAT POETRY« and special thanks to Chris from »Alt Giesing«, it was fun working with you! //
Networking @ Mythophagen

Attending to this wonderful exhibition of the painter and performance artist Andreas Ohrenschall at Hochhaus Süddeutscher Verlag I met the artist and writer Nikolai Vogel. Thanks so much for making it into the networking category of the magazine »Werben & Verkaufen« Jochen Kalka! It was a pleasure meeting you!
Photos: Eric Remann und Jochen Kalka
Werben & Verkaufen //
Andreas Ohrenschall //
Nikolai Vogel //
My post about the exhibition // >>
Gallery Weltraum 2018 // 360°
Thanx so much to Daniel Schvarcz for the 3D-walkthrough!
Gallery Weltraum – Joint Venture
14th to 22th of September 2018 // Just in time! The new series with 72 drawings and one acrylic painting was complete and also my book with poetry and illustration was on the way. So we grabbed the friendly invitation from Rudolf Maximilian Becker to throw an exhibition at the marvellous gallery Weltraum again. Anna von Bergmann showed her wonderful jewelry (with a special fluctibus edition) and her daughter had an extra exhibition with her talented photos. Apart from that on the opening and on the finissage we had the opportunity to experience two extraordinary performances by two inimitable personalities. Andreas Ohrenschall delighted us with „Ohrenschalls Mythophagen – Peformance Nr 5“ and Nikolai Vogel exhilarated us with „Die Abhängung der Kunst / Taking down the art“. Thanks so much to all involved parties, everyone who helped and everyone who came along and especially to Daniel Schvarcz for the photos and Rudolf Maximilian Becker for having us!
Anna von Bergmann //
Andreaes Ohrenschall //
Nikolai Vogel //
Galerie Weltraum Munich //
Anna von Bergmann //
3-D Walkthrough by Daniel Schvarcz Photography //
Fluctibook with Poetry and Drawings
13th of September 2018 // #fluctibus // And finally it was done: A new book with 1 preamble, 83 german poems, 86 drawings and 3 shortstories is now published! It comes by the eerie title »Über das letztendlich unvermeidbare Zerwürfnis rationaler Wesen mit den immer häufiger kursierenden, klammheimlichen, nicht mehr im geringsten Ansatz beurteilbaren, rein gefühlten, nicht erdachten Weltanschauungen« [»About the ultimately unavoidable discord of rational beings with the more and more frequently circulating, clandestine, purely in the least approach assessable, purely felt, not conceived world-views« google.translate]. On 150 pages you can navigate through illustrations from the exhibition »Wahnsinn™ und Methode®« [Madness™ & Method™] and German poetry I mostly wrote on the smartphone while traveling.
150 Pages // ISBN: 978-3-945296-66-0 // Kastner Verlag 2018 // Size 10 x 15 x 1 cm // 141 g
>> // >> amazon //
A very nice review by Kristian Kühn on »Signaturen«:
20th of July to 9th of September 2018 // Many thanks to curator Rudolf Maximilian Becker for inviting me to the Groupexhibition “ZEITFORMEN” at the beautiful little Schloßpavillon in Ismaning. Special thanks to Gisela Hesse for making this very well looking exhibition possible in her premisses. Thanks to all the other artist for having a good time. In the right wing of the Pavillon there was the photography “Light divided by waters” [Real photoprint on forexboard, 2 mm acryl glass with shadow gap frame, (Black Oak); 184,4 x 124,4 cm] from my “Obscurity newfound”-series perfectly matching with the reflecting chandeliers.
>> Review Süddeutsche Zeitung by Udo Watter, 25. Juli 2018
>> Gallery Weltraum
>> Galerie im Schlosspavillon
Half a Pound of Art // 2018
8th of March to the 23rd of April // Thanks a lot to Stephan Stumpf and the størpunkt-team for the opportunity to take part in the groupexhibition “HALF A POUND of ART 2018” at størpunkt – Gallery for contemporary art – in Munich.
>> Fotoalbum from the opening on Facebook
Feature in Werte-Magazin
Annette Vogel wrote this nice feature about me for the Werte-Magazin 2017/2018. Thank you very much for that! //
Centripetal Time Force
4th to 13th August 2017 // Gallery WELTRAUM in Munich gave us (Claudia Macias, Timor Miscevic and myself) the chance to throw this nice summer-exhibition. Thanks a lot to Rudolf Maximilian Becker for having us. Under the theme „Centripetal Time Force“ we combined Claudia’s oilpaintings, Timor’s acrylic paintings and metal objects and some of my current works. I was represented with 23 artworks (Drawings, paintings and one of my receipt-installations “My life in receipts #3”). Thanks to all the fellows who came along and special thanks to Claudi and Timor for rocking this thing together! ( //
Gallery FOE in Munich invited me to take part in the group exhibition „FREHOESTORN“; 5th of April 2017. Thanx a lot to the curators Tina Hudelmaier und Max Weisthoff!
German title of my work: „Der nicht immer beneidenswerte Einfluss der zusammenstrebenden Ereignisse, die sich so und nicht anders zugetragen haben könnten, und die einmalige Betrachtung dieser in Anbetracht der Umstände der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklung ihres allgemeinen Hervortreten aus einer breiten Masse an rezipierten Vorurteilen.“ [Worms, acryl and collagen on canvas, 70 x 70 cm]
Le Salon 2017 at ART CAPITAL
Le Salon de la Société des Artistes Français // From the 15th to the 19th of February I showed my work “Hundert arme Würmer sind eine Schlangengrube” (English title: One hundred poor worms are a snake pit“) at ART CAPITAL 2017 at the Grand Palais in Paris with the Société des Artistes Français, section Bavarian surrealists. The painting was nicely placed next to the great work “Crocopolis” by Peter Hutter. Thanx so much to all involved parties, especially to Prof. h.c. Eduard Kastner!
Description of the work: We live in times of fear and confusion, media-overflow and super-information-overflow. Too many news, rumors and facts are floating through light-wave cables into the psyche; in realtime. Overstrained inhabitants get influenced by carnival barkers trying to persuade not only simple people to believe in their claimed aims. Times are getting more and more crazy and difficult. There is no left and no right no more. And no middle. A rapidly changing world is more complex, but the majority of the people seek for the simple truths. Populists are waiting on every corner to infiltrate the minds of indecisive human beings. Conspiracy-theories are growing faster than ever. Simple explanations for everything are en vogue. Each worm on the picture is one of them barkers and a hundred of those worms make a snake pit.
[Acryl and collage on canvas; 100 x 80 cm]
In July 2016 I made the 2. place at the competition on with my painting „Wendezeit/Crack of Ages“ (Project Art – The Social Arts Market™ // 1. Damien Borowik; 3. Mireia de Coursey; 4. Emese Wu). The winners where invited to attend to the ARTROOMS Art Fair 2017 which took place from the 20th to the 23rd of January at Meliá White House near Regents Park in London. Apart from the painting I took 9 framed pigment-drawings and a piece of “My life in receipts” with 1111 rolled receipts. Massive thanx to Project Art and ARTROOMS for the good times and making everything possible!
>> Album with my impressions on
>> Video about ARTROOM 2017 //
>> The Catalouge on
>> Article on
>> Project Art – The Social Arts Market
Oversized & Underpriced
In July 2016 I had the pleasure taking part and supporting the exhibition “Oversized & Underpriced” at the Hatch Kindom Sticker Museum in Berlin. It was a benficial event for the social project “Skatistan”. Thanx to Hatch for inviting me.
>> / >>
Wahnsinn™ und Methode®
Friday the 13th of May 2016. The perfect date for the exhibition „Wahnsinn™ und Methode®“ [Madness™ & Method®] at Gallery WELTRAUM in Munich. Within the premisses I arranged 72 20×20 framed drawings and the painting “Es kann doch nicht der Sinn™ des Lebens® sein, nach dem Sinn™ des Lebens® zu suchen. Wo ist da der Sinn™?” [Acryl and collage on canvas; 190 x 150 cm]. Motto was the daily madness streaming in through media and mostly the web presenting us with the undercomplexity of simple stupid truths many people are so addicted to. The series of drawings is an invitation to everyone to think about all the non-connected crazinesses which are occurring in modern life. What makes some individuals think that they are 100% smart enough to connect all dots and explain the world in three sentences to others? Why are they building fictitious realities? Is it just a Dunning–Kruger effect in different shadings maybe in strong relationship with narcissism and the intent on psychological commerce? Whatsoever: Have a look in the gallery „drawings“ on this website and you can check out all the pieces of work. [Thanx once again to Rudolf Maximilian Becker for hosting me and special thanx to Daniel Schvarcz for the cool panorama-fotos and the amazing 3D-walkthrough of the exhibition! Thanx to everyone who helped especially to my wife Ira and thanx to all the people who came along to see the thing!]
>> Here is a digital walkthrough
>> Find all drawings here as gellery
>> Thanx for the nice review
Wahnsinn™ und Methode® // 360°
A virtual tour of the exhibition [Wahnsinn™ und Methode® // Friday the 13th May of 2016]. Thanx so much to Daniel Schvarcz for the panorama-photos and this amazing 3D-walkthrough! >>
This is an article about the development of the idea of the installational work “My life in receipts” in the WERTE MAGAZIN (Published in October 2015)
WELTRAUM // Rathausgalerie
June 2015 the WELTRAUM Gallery (Rumfordstr. 26, Munich) was rebuild one to one in the Rathausgalerie (City Hall Gallery Munich). It was the gallerys 18 anniversary. And the City of Munich honored it with this seven weeks exhibition. A new crew of artists was introduced every Friday for a one week show. The Sunday the 21th Ray Moore and me did some live-painting there. Thanx for the good times and thanx so much to the curators Maresa Bucher and Tina Hudelmaier, Rudolf Maximilian Becker and all the beautiful rest involved in that thing! It was good showing my work „Wow!-Signal – 6EQUJ5 6 7“ at the final vernissage on the 16th oh June 2015.
From the 16th to the 19th of October 2014 I had the pleasure being part of the UAMO (Urban Art and Media Organisation) FESTIVAL at EINSTEIN KULTUR in Munich with my installation “Mein Leben in Quittungen“ [My life in receipts, handrolled & squeezed, objekframes in different sizes”. Thanx UAMO!
>> UAMO 2014 //
>> Review on fluctibus magazine
>> CURT Magazin #79
cluster | time | index
Friday, the 17th of July 2014, Claudia Macias, Timor Miscevic and myself had the pleasure throwing an exhibition at the Gallery WELTRAUM in Munich. We where completely astonished that so many nice people came along. We hope you all had a good time. At this point we would like to shout out a big “thank you all”, especially to Rudolf Maximilian Becker for hosting us. [Special thanx to Dani Schvarcz for the photo-coverage of the vernissage!]
Photoexhibition “Obscurity newfound and other works” at the Gallery Deutsches Hopfenmuseum (Gallery of the German Hop Museum in Wolnzach) 27th of June 2014 // Thanx a lot to Prof. h.c. Eduard Kastner for making this possible!
“Für die Photoserie >>OBSCURITY NEWFOUND<< hat sich Falk v. Schönfels an mondlosen Nächten in Münchner Parks begeben. Die Kulissen der Langzeitbelichtungen sind lediglich mit einer sehr starken Taschenlampe ausgeleuchtet. So war es ihm möglich Teile bewusst zu betonen und andere zu vernachlässigen um so quasi-mystische Stimmungen zu erzeugen. Die Orte die er dafür aufsuchte sind im seit frühster Kindheit bekannt. Umso interessanter war es für ihn sie bewusst in obskure Dunkelheit zu hüllen, wie sich ja auch ein Schleier über manche verflossene Erinnerung legt.”
Fluctibook Release
Summer 2012 I released my artist-book – the so called fluctibook – with photography, illustrations and German poetry [144 pages // Pre-eminent hardcover in faked-leather optic // Dimensions: 21 x 21 cm].
2001 // Diploma in Graphic Design
For the record: Here is my grafic design diploma from 2001.
Unfavorably the Akademie U5 was shut down 2018 due to whatsoever reasons (Akademie_U5 on Wikipedia).
I just hope my diploma is still valid.