Posted on February 19th, 2013 at 7:40 pm by admin
A Germ in the States headed to Alcatraz but got detained on pier 39 in San Francisco. Next time they’ll make their way over. [Thanx a big load Annöle!]
A Germ in the States headed to Alcatraz but got detained on pier 39 in San Francisco. Next time they’ll make their way over. [Thanx a big load Annöle!]
Bacteriological infection for the police once again, this time in Yāpanaya, also known as Jaffna, the capital city of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka [நன்றி Rafu!]
A bunch of Germs has made it to the town of Orvieto in the southwestern part of Umbria in Italy. Some even attended to a religious worship; beyond belief! [Grazie di cuore Annöle!]
Yesterday I entered the Heitsch Gallery. First I got captured by the poligon-works of Moto Waganari aka Lutz Wagner, or rather Lutz Wagner aka Moto Waganari. However. His 3D-grid-sculptures apear as they are thrown into light-installations, mirroring themselves in clear 2D on the walls. Some of them are hanged up and they move very slowly, taken by soft turbulences within the premises, performing changing formations with their shadows.
“Tape” by Moto Waganari
“Skydiver” by Moto Waganari
“Beretta” by Moto Waganari
“Fiction” by Moto Waganari
“Baby Prayer” by Moto Waganari
In another room abstract paintings by Antonio Marra and sculptures by Yoshiyuki Miura where waiting to be seen and absorbed.
Three pictures in one. The perspective makes the deal. A multi-dimensional painting: “Fernwehfreude” [Wanderlust pleasure] by Antonio Marra.
One more multi-dimensional painting: “Die Logik des immer Mehr” [The logic of more and more] by Antonio Marra. The artist works with holographic furrows reflecting new variations of op-art and orphism.
Impressions of Yoshiyuki Miuras sculptures, which apparently have no titel.
All in all a very nice exhibition and it was a pleasure having a walk-through [Thanx to Bianca & Felix for company]. It is still running till the 23th of february 2013 and is definitely worth visiting.
You can find more and deeper information about the artists at Gallery Heitsch [Website >>].
Bacterias infected the Capital City of South Korea, visiting the Zoo, a shrine and the Burger King in Myeongdong. Filling the Map >> [정말 감사합니다 Anita & Alex!]
Deepest Winter in Munich can’t stop art! Yesterday I managed slogging myself through the snow to visit the opening of the exhibition “Consume against all reason” (Konsumieren wider aller Vernunft) at Galerie Stephan Stumpf. The show is still running till the 23th of february [flyer pdf >>]. All the artworks examine critical thoughts about consumerism. There are a lot of things to see on three levels. Since I got sucked into the basement first I will start from bottom to top with the impressions:
In the very last room in the cellar is a screening of the truly remarkable stop-motion-short-movie “weirdo’s Brain” by Bianca Kennedy. You should definitely grap a seat and watch protagonist Lenny in his surreal world, freaking out completely after trying to get down with an inflatable doll, falling even deeper in even more surrealistic rooms, finding strange tasks. [Website of Bianca Kennedy >> Youtube-Channel >>]
Grandmas recycled cups by Anka Büchler [Website >>] (Thanx to Illian and Patrizia for modeling on the picture)
“Finger” by Fabian Fontain [Website >>]
“Seibutsuga” (Japanese for still life) by Giuseppe Fiore [Website >>]
“reCODE me VICTIMS” by Barbara Rapp [Website >>]
On my way back up from the basement I got hit by the performance “Berries of Wrath” by Carolin Weinert where she eats and disgorges strawberries into a bowl. The performance is finished when the bowl is empty (!) [Website >>]
Photography by Ute Friederike Schernau. Pretty hard to take proper fotos there, I couldn’t remove all the humans [Website >>]
“Portrait”, sort of a braiding made of packaging film by Anna Schulz-Pitsch [Website >>]
And finally the great Oilpainting “Cempedaks Aufbruch – Stachelquell” by Illian Sagenschneider [Website >>]
There were two more artist but I was unable to take accurate pictures of their work. I am terribly sorry about that! Photography by Jan van Ijken [Website >>] and paintings of Marcus Günther [Website >>] (You can find a nice painting of him on the flyer to the exhibition >>).
Falk v. Schönfels aka Falk Fluctibus presents his first art-book! With photographs, illustrations, poems and other strange things. The “Fluctibook” consists of 144 wicked pages, measures 8.2 to 8.2 inches, has a pre-eminent hardcover in faked-leather optic with an embossed Bacteria and it is strictly limited to only 500 copies! Order it by e-mail or telephone 089/18944471 for the amazing price of 39.80 € (Pay by invoice | secured shipping abroad is charged extra with 10 €).
Falk v. Schönfels alias Falk Fluctibus präsentiert sein erstes Künstlerbuch! Mit Photographien, Illustrationen, Gedichten & anderen seltsamen Dingen. Das „Fluctibook“ besteht aus 144 verrückten Seiten, misst 21 auf 21 Zentimeter, hat ein Hardcover in Kunstlederoptik mit eingeprägter Bazille und ist streng limitiert auf nur 500 Stück! Zu bestellen ist es per E-Mail oder telefonisch 089/18944471 für den sensationellen Preis von 39,80 € (auf Rechnung | inkl. MwSt., Verpackung und Versand in Deutschland).
Today I entered the Richard Tator Cult Szosziety at an exhibition in munich and I was astonished by some great artworks and by the performance of the guy Richard Tator himself. I am not sure if he is one person or the four of them. Let’s keep it a secret! But anyway in total it was a nice show! The exhibition is still running till the 18.12.2012 in the subwaystation of university, munich! Make a visit! Its worth it!
Germs gathered for hot new salty experiences in the bolivian salt-flat, what shows that they still can survive any deserted place anywhere. But finally they took some time of in La Paz [¡muchas gracias! Johanna & Goran] Bacteriology Worldwide >>
Germs have made it to their highest adventure ever so far and visited the french ski-resort Les Menuires on 3230 Meters height. [Merci to Sveta & Vova!]