Thinking about life…
Posted on October 28th, 2007 at 3:54 am by admin


it’s all about the chaos as a result of the influence of a certain kind of thinking…
if you think about life and death, it’s all gettig pretty fucking strange. Isn’t it?
(that’s at least what I thought when I made this animation in 2001…)

Posted on October 27th, 2007 at 8:17 pm by admin


a not very smart attack at the end of october. But I got the bastard before he got me!

Google the world of surveillance
Posted on October 26th, 2007 at 10:40 pm by admin

If you insert certain tags into the googlesearch you get a thousands
of surveillancecams worldwide. The owners just didn’t protect their
networks. So you find cams in universities, on public places or even
in offices. There are so many and some are not working. But just check
it out yourself. These are the tags:


One of the results for example: At a random donuts-store:

Posted on October 25th, 2007 at 12:54 am by admin


Artistic placed bacterias at Frauenhoferstrasse underground-station, Munich (thnx to adrian)

Cory Doctorow – New book!
Posted on October 24th, 2007 at 8:49 pm by admin

The founder of the boingboing blog, Cory Doctorow has written a new book.
It’s science fiction and called »Down and out in the magic kingdom«.
I haven’t read it yet, but I think it is about downloading the human psyche.
Very interesting! By the way, the German version is called
»back up«.
I myself prefer reading real books, but this one you can download for free.

download the english version
download the german version

Posted on October 23rd, 2007 at 3:41 pm by admin


Once I visited a do-it-yourself-store, surprisingly they had fish on offer.
Not as a meal, but real living. So I filmed them with a mobile-cam and
experimented with filters in finalcut. The sound was made with reason

Barcelona Bacterialized!
Posted on October 20th, 2007 at 3:25 am by admin






Plenty bacterias rambling in Barcelona, even on absinthe (thnx to Fürst von Gürst)

Anish Kapoor – Svayambh
Posted on October 18th, 2007 at 12:13 am by admin

This was the opening of the exhibition of Anish Kapoor in the House of Art in Munich. He called it »svayambh«, what means something like »created by itself« in Sanskrit. Anish Kapoor was born in Bombay 1954 and doesn’t make any descriptions of his work. »Everybody has to find an own interpretation of the objects« is his message. Nice!



The big, red chump weighs a 40 tons and moves very slow through the hall. It is a little bit bigger than the passages, so it leaves material (wax, colour and vaseline) on the walls. Weird! In the description about the artist there was an interpretation of it. My question: Who wrote that? Something like: »In this work architecture and sculpture act as link between Geology and Biology. The red chump is body and blood as well as the geological movement through space.« Alright!


Anyway, it was fun. Kapoor created some really great pieces there. I liked the mirror-works most. Some really contortious, deforming distortions, which show you the world not only upside down, but fluently. But that’s only my interpretation.





I turned this photo 180°, look at the weird guy in the middle.

Watch it from the 18th October 07 to the 20th of January 2008, It’s worth it!
More bio of Anish Kapoor in wikipedia
Videos on Anish Kapoor on youtube
Go to Lisson Gallery for a slideshow of Kapoor and other artists

Posted on October 15th, 2007 at 12:29 am by admin


Bacterias reaching out for Berlin, Kreuzberg and Friedrichshein (thnx to Adope)

Posted on October 9th, 2007 at 9:14 pm by admin


These are photos by Svetlana Krivonozhkina nicknamed Claire, a young photo-artist from Moscow. By the way, the top left, that’s her… and underneath is her beautiful friend Irene in Salzburg.



Irene photo-manipulated…


A panorama-shot of Volgograd


Fallin China Ink 2005 and Borrowed Eyes 2004


Body Parts, 2007


Wasted Fashion, 2007


Urban Colours in Moscow, 2007

Check her photo-pages here and here

Posted on October 3rd, 2007 at 3:23 am by admin


»back in the placenta, once again« by fluctibus, oil, 2001

Posted on October 1st, 2007 at 11:55 pm by admin

»Wenn die Früchte Fabeln tragen
Und die Fische nüchtern klagen
Bis die Gräten in die Höhe ragen
Wird ein Greis geboren werden
Der wandelt unter vielen Herden
Vom Anfang bis zum End auf Erden«

Am Ende grämte die Schöpfung schon dem Anfang. Großen Anklang fand der Widerhall der Hoffnung noch bevor er in die Fluchtpunkte des Horizonts zu fliehen gesuchte. Hin und her geschlagen wurden Ideen, Gedanken und Kreationen. Wie ranzige Butter verlief sich alles in einem Brei von undefinierbarer Quäkerei kondensierten Geschreis. Aufgebrachte, wütende Anführer positionierten sich am Markt um ihre Sonder-Heils-Angebote in alle vier Himmelsrichtungen hinauszuposaunen, so dass sich ihre selber so gequält klingenden Sprach- und Wortbotschaften über den ganzen Globus ergießen konnten.

»Unkraut wächst auf technisierten Pfaden,
jeder wollte jedem an den Kragen.
Lechzend nach des Abendmahles Gaben.
Schwer im Magen liegt es denen,
die sich nach viel mehr nun sehnen
und sich danach die Glieder dehnen.«

Was für ein Erwachen! Nach der Finsternis wo kein Raum mehr war. Eine blinde Welt im Sog der Partikelströme. Chemie im Gehirn und Licht und Schatten. Die klamme Droge nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Botenstoffe die sich gegenseitig aus der Reserve locken. Amöben kreuchen, keuchend über Bindehäute, welche die Informationen der Isolation durch Visualisierung zu kompensieren suchten. Riesige Wasserstoffgebälke zogen immerfort über den nichtigen Standort dieses Lebens tapfer hinweg. Der Horizont krümmte sich vor Schmerzen, besorgt über seine neueste Wetterausgeburt.

<a german poem by fluctibus from the year 2001>

Posted on September 30th, 2007 at 5:24 am by admin


»plastic bitches« by fluctibus, photo xmas 2006

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