Posted on December 14th, 2007 at 9:47 pm by admin
Adrian successfully just bombed a train on Vandalsquad. So a bacteria is now rocking in the
virtual train-yard. Txnx a lot to that! Check it out and join the community:
Adrian successfully just bombed a train on Vandalsquad. So a bacteria is now rocking in the
virtual train-yard. Txnx a lot to that! Check it out and join the community:
There was not much going on here lately, because of a completely monotone
working-marathon. But I have been struck by an insight, I would even call it a
gnosis, if it wouldn’t be that trivial: »Working in repetitive tasks really fucks
the brain!« I mean thats not a very deep comprehension. But interesting is, how
to get some new creative juice into a boredom-trashed cerebric. Once I read
that chewing chewinggum makes the braincells increase. That sounds great!
But it is not solving the problem of an absolutely empty mind. How can it be
filled with new ideas? The only solution for me was to produce even more
and never to forget about the philosophy wich is the real cart horse of it all!
So I’m working on some new videos right now and started several paintings.
But time is short and the unfinnished stuff is not going to hit the web. Better
tides are aproaching … for sure. Here is a taste of some I did for catharsis …
I have no titel for this picture yet! If someone wants to make a recommendation.
Please just leave a comment…. (wood and watercolours by fluctibus)
Some of the bacillii (schyzomycete) have gone a long way. And at some point they end up
being in SaoPaulo, in Brasil! (Thnx to the precious Anakonda-Kanzler DJ Fleischpeitsche)
Weltraum 26 is a small, but very nice gallery in the heart of Munique Citeeey. I did have the pleasure visiting a vernissage there last friday. They had an exhibition with the following artists: Stephan Fritsch, Kasarian Dane, Brent Hallard, Leo Hurzlmeier, Mel Prest, Richard Schur, Nancy White and John Zurier. Nice one!
Check it till the 9th of Dezember: Weltraum 26
They’re unstoppable! Bacterias have been sighted in Cape Town, Johannesburg and even
on sweet lion-babies upcountry. Dear animal liberationists, don’t worry, no one got hurt!
(thnx to the tremendous Katti, who just has been there feeding the little leos!)
I found this on the Nerdcore Blog yesterday and the post is from the first of November already. But if that’s really the London based Artist Banksy, than it’s still worth reporting. The »Londonist« reader Chloe sent this picture to them and stated she made it at Bethnal Green. But look at the second guy on the picture. Just a helper? Or has Banksy got a ghost-painter? So, however that’s him or not, they not gonna find him anyway. It’s just a pixel-face! And by the way, the picture he (they?) made is very nice! Keep on rocking Banksy, we wish you luck!
»(ökotrauma) on the edge of sustainability« by fluctibus 2007
Gozo is a small island near Malta. and guess what: it has been invaded by the bacterias…
(thnx to the almighty GMP who visited it not long ago)
My brother has send me some nice stencils from belfast. I love the ghettoblaster! (thnx to York)