Bacillus Subaqueous
Posted on April 21st, 2010 at 3:14 pm by admin

Scientist gathering around short after discovery of the bacillus

The magnificat.ion shows that the specimen is very vital

A new Bacillus was now sighted again at the island of Gozo, but this time in 39.7 meters depth, on the old shipwreck Karwela near Xatt L’Ahmar. It was guarded by a snail (Flabellina Ischitana), but the scientist who discoverd it still could make some spectacular research on it.
(Grazzi muchi to Iva Jedlikova & Ema(nnex)nuel)

The Germ of Majorca
Posted on April 13th, 2010 at 3:03 pm by admin


Checking the Trash

No place is holy for a real Germ

We all know that there is a german invasion of Majorca,
but now real Germs have made a little aproach to conquer the island as well.
(¡muchas gracias! Fürst von Gürst, Hannerl, Dr. Grotte and Dr. Lizzy)