Posted on December 3rd, 2007 at 12:16 am by admin


I have no titel for this picture yet! If someone wants to make a recommendation.
Please just leave a comment…. (wood and watercolours by fluctibus)

Comments so far:

Link Here | December 3, 2007,

title: human being and fish can coexist peaceful. (georgie walker bush)
did he just said peacefully?
does peace”fully” even exist?!

Comment by adrian |

Link Here | December 14, 2007,

call it: before the fishfingers came…

Comment by assimilationist |

Link Here | December 27, 2007,

my heart will go on…

Comment by Ines

Link Here | January 16, 2008,

I would use the first one! because thats just it!
But I think he really said “peacefully”…

Comment by louderthanwords |

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