A virtual tour of the exhibition [Wahnsinn™ und Methode® // Friday the 13th May of 2016]. Thanx so much to Daniel Schvarcz for the panorama-photos and this amazing 3D-walkthrough! >> www.d-s-photo.com […]
Category: Allgemein
This is an article about the development of the idea of the installational work “My life in receipts” in the WERTE MAGAZIN (Published in October 2015) >> www.werte-magazin.com […]
WELTRAUM // Rathausgalerie
June 2015 the WELTRAUM Gallery (Rumfordstr. 26, Munich) was rebuild one to one in the Rathausgalerie (City Hall Gallery Munich). It was the gallerys 18 anniversary. And the City of Munich honored it with this seven weeks exhibition. A new crew of artists was introduced every Friday for a one week show. The Sunday the […]
From the 16th to the 19th of October 2014 I had the pleasure being part of the UAMO (Urban Art and Media Organisation) FESTIVAL at EINSTEIN KULTUR in Munich with my installation “Mein Leben in Quittungen“ [My life in receipts, handrolled & squeezed, objekframes in different sizes”. Thanx UAMO! >> UAMO 2014 // uamo.info >> […]
cluster | time | index
Friday, the 17th of July 2014, Claudia Macias, Timor Miscevic and myself had the pleasure throwing an exhibition at the Gallery WELTRAUM in Munich. We where completely astonished that so many nice people came along. We hope you all had a good time. At this point we would like to shout out a big “thank […]
Photoexhibition “Obscurity newfound and other works” at the Gallery Deutsches Hopfenmuseum (Gallery of the German Hop Museum in Wolnzach) 27th of June 2014 // Thanx a lot to Prof. h.c. Eduard Kastner for making this possible! “Für die Photoserie >>OBSCURITY NEWFOUND<< hat sich Falk v. Schönfels an mondlosen Nächten in Münchner Parks begeben. Die Kulissen […]
Fluctibook Release
Summer 2012 I released my artist-book – the so called fluctibook – with photography, illustrations and German poetry [144 pages // Pre-eminent hardcover in faked-leather optic // Dimensions: 21 x 21 cm]. […]
2001 // Diploma in Graphic Design
For the record: Here is my grafic design diploma from 2001. Unfavorably the Akademie U5 was shut down 2018 due to whatsoever reasons (Akademie_U5 on Wikipedia). I just hope my diploma is still valid. […]